Wednesday 16 December 2015


ABOUT THE AUTHOR:    Kulpreet Yadav is a dynamic personality with wonderful writing skills. Andy Karan series is increasingly becoming my favourite thriller in this genre. Since I have met the author personally too, I could well imagine Kulpreet Yadav playing the part of Andy Karan himself in a movie based on the book. 

ABOUT THE BOOK: Being an author myself, albeit in the genre of romance and relationships, I was so engrossed in the thriller that I had to finish it to the last before putting it down. Just when I was about to finish of my last chapter, a question remained with me, and I thought how could the writer of the calibre of Mr. Yadav, would leave it unanswered. But, there it was, in the Epilogue, which made the Epilogue different from the rest.

In his first book of the series, “Catching the Departed”, I had felt that the character of Monica was wasted. Being a lady, I felt bad for the character not having shaped up well. Besides, I felt that it was used too, unnecessarily portrayed as a sex object only. I had conveyed this to the author, and I can see the effect in his second book of the series.

ABOUT THE VIDEO:   On the launch of the book, the video was launched too, and I could actually feel the thrill that accompanied with the background score too.

Monday 7 December 2015

Hey Dad! Meet my Mom

About the Author:    Sandeep Sharma and Leepi Agarwal

After going through the book, one gets a feeling that this is probably not the first book from the author. Reason is simple: wonderful usage of language and right quantity and quality of twists and turns. This can probably be explained by the fact that he is known reviewer. An absolutely different storyline, which could have been a risk, if not penned properly.  However, the author, does a commendable job.

About the book :    I would like to keep this book in the category of a Psychological Thriller. It kept me on tenterhooks as to what is going to come next, what turn is the story going to take next. Personally, I am scared of ghosts and never watch a ghost series too, but this book really did not scare me away, even when the protagonist could see his son, who could not be seen by anybody else. Probably, the ghost was too cute to be scared of.

From the Reader’s point of view:    As a reader, I could not keep the book down till I finished the last page. Generally, these days, a fiction is atleast 200 pages, but this one is only 157 pages, again compelling you to complete it at once. 

Negatives:       I felt that the story which otherwise went at full speed, took long in the flashback portion.            

The Storyline:            Puneet is a banker, who can see his future son. This future son tells his present father, that if the father delays in getting married, he may never be able to come into existence. Hence, the search or as they call it operation “Find Mom” begins.
Who is this boy? A ghost or somebody else? Do both of them together are able to find a wife for Puneet, to become future Mom to future son... too many futures I believe...., but finally leading to an interesting, and witty encounter of a man with his future son.

Publisher:       Gargi Publishers
As I said, it could have been a risky project, being of a different genre, so coming out with this book, the Publishers have actually shown that they are willing not only to give a chance to debut authors but to take risk as well.

Cover Page:   A beautiful cover page, justifying the book. Full marks for that.

Overall Rating:          4/5

Wednesday 2 December 2015


At the outset, I wish to caution that its a Tragic Story, so all those who do not appreciate Tragedies, this is not for you.
I definitely not like to see such movies, nor do I like to read such books, which have tragic endings. But, I really could not resist reading the book to the end as I knew it was a real story. And I must say, it was worth it. I really liked the way a fictitious ending is given in between, and wished that it should have been the real one.

I believe that one can get to know a lot about the Author from his creation. Since, we know that its the true story of the author himself, I would say that he is a good human being and the best husband to Bhawna, the best wife. His creation, the Book “You are the best wife” is full of emotions. I felt as if I was watching a movie. In the book he has mentioned that Bhawna was the best wife, best daughter, best mausi, best sister and the best daughter in law. I, no doubt agree with the author but to add to that I felt that even the Author Pandeyji as he is fondly called, is the best husband, best son, best brother and may he soon become the best father to a daughter with the soul as special as Bhawna’s.

THE BOOK BLURB:         
A normal love story of a boy Ajay meeting a girl Bhawna; Ajay proposes, Bhawna accepts. But the story suddenly takes a different and the most unexpected route. A tumultuous turn where the boy is left shattered, but learns to pick up the broken pieces of his life.

The book is an emotional journey, and talks about relationships. It is set in the Allahabad City and clearly brings to the fore the way the boy and girl cannot walk together on the streets, and the contrast is highlighted too when the story shifts to Pune. The story changes its course when Bhawna is infected with Dengue.
This reminds me of a small story on Dengue. I really could not resist pasting the URL of the same here.

Since this is the first book of the author, literary finesse is something which I was not looking for. I am also tempted to highlight the fact that although the Author did try to take good care of his wife, but the expertise of the Doctors in the high profile hospitals named by him should definitely come under a scanner. I actually had goose bumps while going through those chapters. 

The most important point worth a mention is the fact the way a last chapter has been written from Bhawna’s side. Not to mention that the way Shah Jahan made Mumtaz immortal with the creation of Taj Mahal in her memory, similarly Pandeyji made Bhawna immortal with this book.

Sristhi Publishers is doing a good job, the way the book is being promoted. The proceeds from the book are going to a Charitable Trust. Hope they get a good collection.